Cardiomyocyte overexpression of the α1A-adrenergic receptor in the rat phenocopies second but not first window preconditioning.

Zhao, Xin and Park, Jiyeon and Ho, David and Gao, Shumin and Yan, Lin and Ge, Hui and Iismaa, Siiri E and Lin, Lin and Tian, Bin and Vatner, Dorothy E and Graham, Robert M and Vatner, Stephen F (2012) Cardiomyocyte overexpression of the α1A-adrenergic receptor in the rat phenocopies second but not first window preconditioning. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY-HEART AND CIRCULATORY PHYSIOLOGY, 302 (8). pp. H1614-24. ISSN 1522-1539 (PMC OA)

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We examined α(1A)-adrenergic receptor (AR) mediation of preconditioning in a novel α(1A)-AR cardiac transgenic (TG) rat model (α(1A)-TG). Compared with nontransgenic littermates (NTLs), in conscious α(1A)-TG rats, heart rate was reduced, contractility [left ventricle (LV) +dP/dt, ejection fraction, end-systolic elastance] was significantly enhanced, and triple product (LV systolic wall stress × LV +dP/dt × heart rate) was unchanged. However, infarct size (IS)/area at risk (AAR) in response to ischemia-reperfusion (30 min coronary occlusion/3 h reperfusion) was reduced to 35 ± 4.6% in α(1A)-TGs vs. 52 ± 2.2% in NTLs (P < 0.05). Second window preconditioning reduced IS/AAR in NTLs to 29 ± 2.7% but did not afford further protection in α(1A)-TGs. In contrast, with first window preconditioning, IS/AAR was reduced to similar levels in both α(1A)-TGs (12 ± 1.4%) and NTLs (10 ± 1.1%). In untreated α(1A)-TGs, cardioprotection was associated with enhanced myocardial phosphorylated (p)-mitogen/extracellular signal-regulated kinase (MEK), p-extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK), and inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) at the protein level, along with a 1.3-fold increase in total nitric oxide synthase activity like in second window preconditioning. Affymetrix microarrays revealed that few genes (4.6% of 3,172 upregulated; 8.8% of 3,498 downregulated) showed directionally similar changes in α(1A)-TGs vs. NTLs subjected to second window preconditioning. Thus, second, but not first, window cardioprotection is evident in α(1A)-TGs in the absence of ischemic preconditioning and is mediated by iNOS activation associated with MEK/ERK phosphorylation. Transcriptionally, however, second window preconditioning is considerably more complex than α(1A)-TG preconditioning, with the alteration of thousands of additional genes affording no further protection than that already available in α(1A)-TG rats.
(National Institutes of Health NIH Grants 5P01HL-069020, 5R01HL-033107, 5P01AG-027211, 1R01HL-102472, 5T32HL-069752, 5R01HL-095888, 5R01HL-091781, 5R01HL-093415 and 5R01HL-093481; NHMRC Grants 526622 and 573732, Heart Foundation of Australia grant G0954342).

Item Type: Article
Subjects: R Medicine > R Medicine (General)
Depositing User: Repository Administrator
Date Deposited: 05 Jan 2016 00:03
Last Modified: 09 Mar 2018 05:26

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