Reviewing the clinical utility of ventricular assist device log files

Emmanuel, Sam and Engelman, Jared and Hayward, Christopher Simon (2020) Reviewing the clinical utility of ventricular assist device log files. Indian Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, 36 (S2). pp.247-255. ISSN 0970-9134

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Background: Ventricular assist devices (VADs) have provided a temporising solution to many individuals with refractory heart failure (HF) while awaiting a suitable donor for heart transplantation which remains the gold standard in treatment. Many of the discussions around VADs involve ongoing morbidity; however, one aspect of VADs that is often overlooked is the utility of their log files. We decided to review the literature for mentions of the clinical utility of VAD log files. Methods: A keyword search was utilised on PUBMED using the terms 'Ventricular Assist Device' and 'Log files'. Perhaps unsurprisingly, this search only yielded 4 results with further articles being discovered through the bibliography of these publications. Results: The 4 identified articles provided basic information on log files, particularly with reference to the HVAD. Logs can be categorised into three types-data (pump parameters), events (changes in parameters) and alarms (abnormal function). Using a combination of these logs, we can readily identify abnormal pump operation such as the development and progression of pump thrombosis, suction events and gastrointestinal bleeding. However, the research potential of log files was not discussed in these publications, particularly as it pertains to areas such as studying speed modulation and pulsatility in VADs. Conclusions: VADs are an important staple in the treatment of patients with refractory HF. Log files provide a treasure-trove of information and knowledge that can be utilised for clinical benefit. Furthermore, log files provide an excellent tool for conducting research into device functionality. Current literature on the clinical utility of log files is sparse with much untapped potential.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: R Medicine > R Medicine (General)
Depositing User: Repository Administrator
Date Deposited: 12 Oct 2021 04:55
Last Modified: 12 Oct 2021 04:55

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